Online Course: LGBTQIA+ Humility and Competency

Many thanks to John & Frieda Carstens who made me aware of this course offering. It’s from the Episcopal Diocese of Washington (that is, Washington, D.C.). It’s Wednesdays, 5:30-7:00 pm CT, and costs $35. It starts January 12. I’m going to try to fit it into my schedule. Check it out!

Discord Server! Updates for Spring 2022!

Many thanks to Lucia for setting up our new Discord server! Please join us there:

In Spring 2022, our plan is to shift our meeting time to Thursdays at 5:00 pm. That will relieve some pressure on our members who have standing obligations at 6:30 pm.

Also, SAVE THE DATE! On February 10, we plan to hold an information session for campus titled, “What Is Progressive Christianity?” Our intention is not to argue or convince anyone, but simply inform people that there is a different approach to God that doesn’t fit into the prevailing public narrative of very conservative theology. In the few meetings we have before the event, we will talk some about the topic so that we are prepared. You may want to read some of the materials given or linked on our about page.

Fall 2021 Plans

We’re looking forward to getting together this fall! Everything is subject to change, but as previously mentioned, the plan is to meet Thursday evenings at 5:30 pm at Christ Episcopal Church. Our first meeting will be August 26, when we will share a meal and play games together (board games, card games, etc.). Just a chance to get to know each other a bit. Watch for more details for our subsequent gatherings, drop us an email, or drop by our meeting to help guide us!

Fall 2021: Welcome!

Whether you are returning this fall or a new freshman, welcome! Now that pandemic restrictions are easing, we are rebooting our in-person gatherings. Watch for updates, but right now, the plan is Thursday evenings at 5:30 pm at Christ Episcopal Church. In a given month, we will cycle through fun, social gatherings; service opportunities; and faith development activities.

For incoming freshmen: During Opening Week, Common Call is partnering with the other members of the Campus Ministries Association for a Murder Mystery Night! Join us Tuesday night of Opening Week (August 17). Time and location TBD, but the basic setup is like the game of Clue. Each ministry will have a table where you can meet some people and then earn a clue to solve the mystery. Great fun, a great way to get out and meet people. Hope you can join us!

Love One Another

This week we are talking about some of Jesus’s final words before his arrest, in John 15: 9-17. This will be the last meeting of the semester, and therefore the last meeting for some of our members. Hope you can join us! Library 202 or Zoom.