Zoom meeting tonight (2/17)

It seems that bad weather always comes on Thursday. Since campus has closed, our meeting tonight will be on Zoom at 5:00 pm. Hope you can join us!

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Passcode: 098858
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Thanks for a great event!

We had a great turnout for our event, “What Is Progressive Christianity?” We’re planning to do another similar event later in the semester. Meanwhile, a few things:

The invite link for Discord was expired. Here’s a new one that will last: https://discord.gg/g5qCHr5MdQ.

We welcome anyone who would like to join our community and seek God’s path chosen for us, Thursdays at 5 pm at Christ Episcopal Church. Food and fellowship! We’re going to get back on our routine of using The Wired Word. I can’t post the reading publicly, but will publish it on Discord. I generally publish it on Sunday or Monday for the upcoming Thursday.

If you’d like to do some reading, here are a bunch of websites that I have found helpful:

What Is Progressive Christianity? An Information Session

Progressive Christianity emphasizes the Way and teachings of Jesus, and not merely His person, as we seek to build a more just, inclusive, and connected society. Come and learn more about this perspective at a free information session on February 10 at 5 pm in the Havener Center, St. Pat’s A. Our goal is not to argue, convince, or debate, but merely to inform people of a spiritual path that is often ignored in public discourse.

We will share light refreshments, discuss some basic principles, and begin a conversation about what and how we believe. This is part of our calling to build a community that is inclusive of ALL people, regardless of their beliefs, race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, or any other artificial barrier humans put between themselves.