Zoom this week!

This week, the weather looks pretty nasty. So on February 3 at 5 pm, we will meet on Zoom instead:


Meeting ID: 852 1656 5349
Passcode: 098858

Our main task will be to prepare for next week’s event, “What Is Progressive Christianity?” That will be held in St. Pat’s A in the Havener Center on February 10 at 5:00 pm. Invite your friends, your enemies, anyone who’s interested!

Spring 2022 – Welcome Back!

The new semester is beginning. COVID-19 is still running pretty hot, but we’re going to try our best to have somewhat normal meetings. We will meet Thursdays at 5:00 at Christ Episcopal, which is at 1000 N. Main, just east of Castleman Hall/Leach Theatre. We will share a meal and then discuss a topic drawn from the news using The Wired Word. We cannot publicly post the reading, but I’ll share it on our Discord server. (We generally run a week behind because the new readings come out on Thursday.)

These first few weeks, we will also spend a little time discussing progressive Christianity in preparation for our event on February 10, “What Is Progressive Christianity?” This will be an information session held in St. Pat’s A in place of our normal meeting (at 5 pm). Please invite your friends and your enemies–anyone who might want to learn more about a different perspective on faith in Jesus Christ.

Looking forward to a great semester! Our basic COVID protocols are: masks when appropriate but unmasked while eating; stay away if you’re sick.

Online Course: LGBTQIA+ Humility and Competency

Many thanks to John & Frieda Carstens who made me aware of this course offering. It’s from the Episcopal Diocese of Washington (that is, Washington, D.C.). It’s Wednesdays, 5:30-7:00 pm CT, and costs $35. It starts January 12. I’m going to try to fit it into my schedule. Check it out!
